Thursday, May 8, 2008

Robin Hobb - graphic novel a la francaise

Following on from yesterday's Robin Hobb post the Gnu has been drooling over Laurent Sieurac's upcoming graphic novel adaptation which was up on Pat's Fantasy Hotlist a few days ago. Some examples of other graphic work in the genre can be seen at the rivages maudits website - Gnu's speak french, it's one of their special powers.. but if you are not so lucky then just have a poke around and see what you can find - its a great site.

There's an interview with Laurent to be found
here. When I have some free time I'll have a go at a Gnu-level translation for interested parties. And his other mighty works can be purchased on

Robin's views on the whole business can be found

This interview was proposedby
EdiFanoB who's blog I can't find to link to but here's the Gnu-shaped kudos for ya any way.