Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Futurama geekfest

Always one for a little extreme geekism of a weds lunchtime, the Gnu stumbled upon an insanely good entry on which is so cool it deserves a post all of its own.

Now some of you may have seen enough episodes of the mildly implausible futuristic Simpsons-come-Star Trek sci-fi soap that is Futurama to know that it is... shall we say... a bit of a challenge to keep any grasp from season to season as to what happened when to whom.. and how many of the characters
Zoidberg has eaten for example.

So Sam 512 gets full kudos for mapping the entire and ultra-confusing chronolgy of events in the whole Futurama series. Now, do not underestimate this feat - there are a lot of shitty versions out there that claim to be accurate but this guy has really wrapped his brain around multiple dimensions simultaneously in such a way that I'm not sure the whole world won't turn inside out.

If you don't believe me, take a look for yourself.